hana demas making amharic to english language translator for ios helsinki metropolia university of applied sciences degree programme in information technology thesis date 5 5 2016 2 author s hana ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hana demas making amharic to english language translator for ios helsinki metropolia university of applied sciences degree programme in information technology thesis date author s belete title number pages appendice may engineering specialisation option software instructor petri vesikivi the purpose this project was build a pair which beginning not supported by any known translation systems goal make application using swift platform has two components first one is described above and second component an integrated custom keyboard makes user able type letters are system more than numbers they represented extended keys implemented at end translate vice versa made applications uses built on microsoft hub accessed api can be used texts from or keywords contents introduction machine mt statistical smt parallel corpora models rule based rbmt hybrid implementation designing fetching data history feedback section comparison translators google itranslate ihandy results discussion conclusion ref...