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picture1_Language Pdf 103514 | 14592704821 A 497 501 Zobina Asghar Co Moon

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File: Language Pdf 103514 | 14592704821 A 497 501 Zobina Asghar Co Moon
sci int lahore 28 4 497 501 2016 issn 1013 5316 coden sinte 8 497 english in urdu language textbooks a policy or no policy 1 2 3 4 zobina ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sci int lahore issn coden sinte english in urdu language textbooks a policy or no zobina asghar dr muhammad asimmahmood samina ali mussarat azhar government college university faisalabad of education sargodha corresponding author masimrai gmail com abstract this paper investigates the instances borrowing and code mixing careful content analysis three grade published by punjab text book board ptb approved curriculum authority according to national textbook learning materials has been conducted domain wise categories lexes present these show that is most influenced field vocabulary based on findings study raises many questions i e why have words replaced with what justification for giving translation need exercises finally suggests corpus acquisition planning provide standard key switching introduction but he also warns fact when borrows too coexisting influencing each from another it danger other since last four centuries rapid world wide being corrupted expressed difficult spread langu...

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