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picture1_Linguistics Pdf 103155 | 1fknikanne & Ostman

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File: Linguistics Pdf 103155 | 1fknikanne & Ostman
urpo nikanne jan ola ostman finland swedish directionality in conceptual semantics and in construction grammar a methodological dialogue abstract the study discusses describes and explains the syntax the semantics and ...

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...Urpo nikanne jan ola ostman finland swedish directionality in conceptual semantics and construction grammar a methodological dialogue abstract the study discusses describes explains syntax constraints that apply to directional modality as exemplified han maste till helsingfors he must go helsinki from two theoretical points of view those both models offer descriptive devices other model is not too strong on basis results our analysis this one particular we suggest scholars working within different frameworks but who have common grammatical interests can indeed learn another jointly produce better accounts linguistic phenomena such cooperation has take form true mutual compromising approaching methodology practice off debates rage violently linguistics so also over last forty years there been at least dozen major occasions where practicing linguists debated empirical ethical issues their own perspective making what it today most active debaters fred karlsson starting with his booklet ab...

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