File: Language Pdf 103131 | 7 8th Grade Ela Week 4 Worksheets
name week 4 day 1 figurative language worksheet 1 alliteration hyperbole and personification figurative language is used in all kinds of writing but is most commonly found in poetry figurative ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Name week day figurative language worksheet alliteration hyperbole and personification is used in all kinds of writing but most commonly found poetry a way for the writer to add more detail their as well some extra creativity today s you are going be identifying which following three techniques or being each example sentence repetition first consonant sound meaning letter word she sells sea shells by shore why this majority words start with an extravagant statement over exaggeration emphasize point i m so hungry could eat horse person isn t actually able they just exaggerating how figure speech inanimate object something that alive given human qualities abilities flower danced breeze flowers don have legs can dance describe what looks like wind directions sentences say types listed above after type it then explain stairs groaned we walked on them answer explanation voices groan class was boring took years finally end died from embarrassment peter piper picked peck pickled peppers howle...