advances in social science education and humanities research assehr volume 58 3rd international conference on early childhood education icece 16 analysis on the importance of mother tongue in early childhood ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research assehr volume rd international conference on early childhood icece analysis the importance of mother tongue faizatul faridy ernawulah syaodih universitas pendidikan indonesia bandung corresponding e mail gmail com abstract number population movements cross marriages current globalization cause use vernacular or local language as diminishes addition to vernaculars threatened with extinction due lack speakers values contained languages are lost not passed following generation this study was conducted analyse what role takes well reveal any obstacles constraints encountered by parents using outside their hometown qualitative case method randomly from aceh who currently live findings show that assume when they leave is considered needed children it also reveals a strong correlation between environment where son attachment childrens love culture homeland given tremendous researcher put interest into article order broaden society b...