grammar overview there are two grammatical types of nouns en danish they have to genders but not like masculine and feminine they do not depend on real gender so it ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Grammar overview there are two grammatical types of nouns en danish they have to genders but not like masculine and feminine do depend on real gender so it s a feature these called common neutral every time you learn new noun should remember its i e or et because their reference particular affects behaviour that is say what forms make in sentence the only which dependent here below singular denite indenite plural all same has no rule as why certain words belong group ones we take endings er r change form four patterns for making from few exceptions stem mand m nd english man men barn born child children also see table more examples ubekendt bekendt ental ertal apple nb apples an person personen personer personerne kontor kontorer kontorerne kontoret pige pigen piger pigerne ble blet bler blerne fyr fyren fyre fyrene bord bordet borde bordene lm lmen lmene sprog sproget sprogene dictionary tells gives info about please note some may double letter preserve vowel quality g http ordnet dk ...