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picture1_Presentasi Usaha 9120 | Or Storage In Production And Protected Forests P 36 | Kehutanan

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File: Presentasi Usaha 9120 | Or Storage In Production And Protected Forests P 36 | Kehutanan
ministry of forestry republic of indonesia decree number p 36 menhut ii 2009 regarding procedures for licensing of commercial utilisation of carbon sequestration and or storage in production and protected ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 29 Jun 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Ministry of forestry republic indonesia decree number p menhut ii regarding procedures for licensing commercial utilisation carbon sequestration and or storage in production protected forests by the grace almighty god minister considering a that based on article sub government regulation year jo forest management compilation plan it was stated one form environmental services is b letter given licence to exploit izin usaha pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan iupjl c related point there need establish procedure recognising law conservation biological resources its ecosystems gazette supplement as changed establishment substituting changes ratification kyoto protocol united nations framework convention climate change local which has been amended several times most recently with unofficial translation information purpose only always refer original bahasa version second amendment impact analysis division governance roles between provincial district city presidential m president location tasks funct...

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