File: Language Pdf 102652 | 150665 En The Use Of Mother Tongue In General Engl
the use of mother tongue in general english program for teenagers in the second and fourth levels bawono k o 1 and rini j e 2 1 2 english department ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The use of mother tongue in general english program for teenagers second and fourth levels bawono k o rini j e department faculty letters petra christian university siwalankerto surabaya east java indonesia mails m john ac id jerini peter abstract klv vwxg uhsruwv wkh whdfkhu v xvh ri bahasa as foreign language efl classroom study was conducted an course focused more level it revealed that beside used by teachers medium instruction some functions conveying checking meaning words sentences explaining grammar organizing tasks maintaining discipline gaining contact with individual student tkh whdfkhuv uhdvrq lq xvlqj to make sure students understand about what they delivered addition similarities differences were found comparison key function utterance semi structured interview introduction is a debatable issue which widely talked until present ahsan islam because this has not come conclusive outcome on one hand those who againts stated can prevent exposure he other there are also encoura...