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picture1_Tenses In French Pdf 102612 | French Verbs

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File: Tenses In French Pdf 102612 | French Verbs
french verbs french verbs are formed by a stem an ending er ir or re to use the verbs in different tenses we need to know some rules these rules ...

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...French verbs are formed by a stem an ending er ir or re to use the in different tenses we need know some rules these simple and applied nearly all unfortunately do not follow theses it is therefore important irregular such as aller go faire avoir have etre be most of time rule keep take away replace another depending on person subject present tense e g i play write only change remains same let s look at endings they according infinitive from those jouer finir attendre je joue finis attends tu joues il elle finit attend nous jouons finissons attendons vous jouez finissez attendez ils elles jouent finissent attendent can you think already with help your neighbours them appropriate column perfect played two groups there for refer mr mrs v tape list vocabulary book other three parts made main verb how changes well example will j ai but very make sure this properly examiners strict so easy turns into fini u attendu ones ete eu fait form now concentrate require bit more attention remember wh...

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