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picture1_Language Pdf 102557 | Danish

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File: Language Pdf 102557 | Danish
danish in head driven phrase structure grammar stefan muller and bjarne orsnes erer octoboctob ofof draftdraft preface eaimofthisbookistwofold firstwewanttoprovideaprecisedescriptionofalarge fragment of the danish language that is useful for readers regardless ...

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...Danish in head driven phrase structure grammar stefan muller and bjarne orsnes erer octoboctob ofof draftdraft preface eaimofthisbookistwofold firstwewanttoprovideaprecisedescriptionofalarge fragment of the language that is useful for readers regardless linguistic framework they work comprises not only core phenomena such as constituent order passivizating but to a large extent also number less studied which we believe be interest description andothermainlandscandinavianlanguages butalsoforcomparativeworkingeneral it has been an important goal us base our analyses on comprehensive empirically sound descriptions reason mainly use real data extracted from corpus or web pages e second aim book provide fully formalized theory described provably internally consistent furthermore compatible with psycholinguistic theories insights abouthumanlanguagefromlanguageacquisitionresearch elinguistictheorywillbe workedoutintheframeworkofhead drivenphrasestructuregrammar pollard sag who donotcareaboutf...

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