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File: Linguistics Pdf 102526 | Ej1137543
journal of education and practice www iiste org issn 2222 1735 paper issn 2222 288x online vol 8 no 7 2017 verbs associated with the time focused adverbs in turkish ...

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...Journal of education and practice www iiste org issn paper x online vol no verbs associated with the time focused adverbs in turkish course books assoc prof dr tuba celik omer halisdemir university department turkey onur tademir dokuz eylul linguistics mah student dilah unlu phd abstract are represented by words or phrases more than morphemes many studies literature have revealed that frequency usage is higher other speakers all ages this study using path connection analysis method adverbials which these brought into focus for purpose texts th grade were examined at end it was seen coursebooks mostly associted to stative verb be shows a order from general specific year used frequently such as month week fact second minute so rarely comparison hour also supports view sense keywords acquisition vocabulary introduction classified once one researcher comrie has analysed three groups word combinations single smith s classification been described four ways according universal linguistic theo...

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