eci executive committee on interpretation comite executif de l interpretation cei language profiles in demand with the eu interpreting services guidance for those wishing to take an accreditation test the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Eci executive committee on interpretation comite executif de l cei language profiles in demand with the eu interpreting services guidance for those wishing to take an accreditation test following table indicates minimum that a candidate must have be admitted procedure it is intended as guide students and universities valid two consecutive years institutions reserve however right revise between select candidates different profile if so justified by needs of you may apply wider combination than please bear mind languages tested will selected based are due operational each individual booth notes abbreviations used bg bulgarian cs czech da danish german el greek en english ga irish es spanish et estonian fi finnish fr french hr croatian hu hungarian italian lt lithuanian lv latvian mt maltese nl dutch pl polish pt portuguese ro romanian sk slovak sl slovene sv swedish ar arabic ru russian one native tongue or equivalent which interpreter masters perfectly into he she capable consecutively ...