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picture1_Language Pdf 102337 | A00 2012

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File: Language Pdf 102337 | A00 2012
arabic morphology generation using a concatenative strategy violetta cavalli sforza abdelhadi soudi teruko mitamura carnegie technology computer science department language technologies education ecole nationale de l industrie institute 4615 forbes ...

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...Arabic morphology generation using a concatenative strategy violetta cavalli sforza abdelhadi soudi teruko mitamura carnegie technology computer science department language technologies education ecole nationale de l industrie institute forbes avenue minerale mellon university pittsburgh pa rabat morocco cs cmu edu asoudi enim ac ma the tenses perfect and imperfect voices abstract active passive moods inflectional requires indicative subjunctive jussive imperative infixation prefixation suffixation energetic stem used in conjugation of giving rise to large space morphological verb may differ depending on person variation this paper we describe an number gender tense mood presence approach reducing complexity certain root consonants changes combine with suffixes discrimination trees transformational e g katab naa wrote kutib it was rules by decoupling problem written uktub uu from that prefixes write plural both gain significant reduction for required as much ya ktub na factor three typ...

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