Automatic Difculty Classication of Arabic Sentences NouranKhallaf, Serge Sharoff School of Languages, University of Leeds Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom mlnak, Abstract the availability of a ...
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...Automatic difculty classication of arabic sentences nourankhallaf serge sharoff school languages university leeds ls jt united kingdom mlnak s ac uk abstract the availability a readability sentence classier in this paper we present modern standard for is vital since prerequisite msa research on text simplication ats i e which predicts process reducing linguistic complexity language learners using either cefr pro while maintaining its meaning saggion ciency levels or binary as wefocushereonexperimentsaimedatmeasur simple complex compare use ing to what extent understandable by embeddings different kinds fast reader such learner foreign mbert xlm randarabic bert and at exploring methods well traditional features assessment main aim postags dependencytrees readabilityscores frequency lists our lies developing testing best results have been achieved ned representation methodologies range from tuned accuracy knowledge via feature based ma way f chine learning neural r classica summary contr...