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picture1_Language Pdf 102248 | The Formation Of New Words In Modern Arabic Literary Language

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File: Language Pdf 102248 | The Formation Of New Words In Modern Arabic Literary Language
international journal of scientific technology research volume 9 issue 03 march 2020 issn 2277 8616 the formation of new words in modern arabic literary language mahmudova diyora jamal qizi abstract ...

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...International journal of scientific technology research volume issue march issn the formation new words in modern arabic literary language mahmudova diyora jamal qizi abstract term at tawlid ad dilaali is used process generating meaning sof which means a meaningful transformation meanings are formed two ways by ishtikok as well introducing foreign into internal types include kabiyr sogiyr kubbar naht itbaun groups al dilaaliy sensual sovtiy sound lafziy uniform and also ash shabiy popular ishtikak form word changes letters that make up change places voices some vowels drop out or added such cases their partially acquire acompletely different above mentioned terms part result on broken it leads to changein admitted associated with intonation considered borrowed acquiring not this may mean can be expanded narrowed more general sense known linguists tawliyd includes homonymy metonymy dod iktirad although homonyms similar they have however show connection between moving names one based sim...

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