issn online 2320 9801 issn print 2320 9798 international journal of innovative research in computer and communication engineering an iso 3297 2007 certified organization vol 3 special issue 7 october ...
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...Issn online print international journal of innovative research in computer and communication engineering an iso certified organization vol special issue october rule based morphological analyzer for malayalam nouns computational analysis linguistics jancy joseph dr babu anto school information science technology mangattuparamba campus kannur university kerala india abstract the deals with study internal structure words a language on its grammatical category system is developed plural markers case post positions clitics gathi this work focuses segmenting morphologically inflected word into root associated components along features specifying outputted are categorized different classes noun which implemented using unicode standard morph would help automatic spelling grammar checking natural understanding machine translation speech recognition synthesis part tagging parsing applications common man can also get depth about from software keywords morphology suffix i introduction field proce...