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File: Language Pdf 102141 | 13 Item Download 2022-09-22 20-51-03
international journal on studies in english language and literature ijsell volume 2 issue 8 august 2014 pp 116 130 issn 2347 3126 print issn 2347 3134 online www arcjournals org ...

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...International journal on studies in english language and literature ijsell volume issue august pp issn print online www arcjournals org structural linguistics its implication to teaching noer doddy irmawati dr m hum graduate program of education ahmad dahlan university yogyakarta abstract is an approach a part overall structuralism it stressed examining as static system interconnected units involves collecting corpus utterances then attempting classify all the elements at their different levels phonemes morphemes lexical categories noun phrases verb sentence types wikipedia learning needs apply because foreign or second also branch applied that can be strategies are they have attracted increasing focus way understanding process acquisition has such there key concept must operated viewed one contex background forms sign good method finding model rule pattern followed linguitics used alternative keywords introduction set knowledge which gained by application scientific methods study phen...

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