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picture1_Language Pdf 102093 | 8 2019 01 05!04 11 01 Pm

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File: Language Pdf 102093 | 8 2019 01 05!04 11 01 Pm
linguistic anthropology linguistic anthropology is a branch of anthropology that studies the role of language in the social lives of individuals and communities linguistic anthropology explores how language shapes communication ...

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...Linguistic anthropology is a branch of that studies the role language in social lives individuals and communities explores how shapes communication plays huge identity group membership establishing cultural beliefs ideologies anthropologists have ventured into study everyday encounters socialization ritual political events scientific discourse verbal art contact shift literacy media alessandro duranti ed reader so unlike linguists do not look at alone viewed as interdependent with culture structures according to pier paolo giglioli context relation between worldviews grammatical categories semantic fields influence speech on personal relationships interaction this case closely those societies where defines or society for example new guinea there tribe indigenous people who speak one it what makes unique its index may other languages from but gives also take an interest relates can be applied infancy childhood foreigner being enculturated anthropologist would likely way used socialize y...

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