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picture1_Linguistics Pdf 102089 | 06 Syntax

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File: Linguistics Pdf 102089 | 06 Syntax
intro to linguistics syntax 1 jirka hana november 7 2011 overview of topics what is syntax part of speech phrases constituents phrase structure rules ambiguity characteristics of phrase structure rules ...

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...Intro to linguistics syntax jirka hana november overview of topics what is part speech phrases constituents phrase structure rules ambiguity characteristics valency remember and understand dierence between semantics open closed class words all word classes be able distinguish them based on morphology subject object case agreement the that studies sentence order i want these books verb determiner noun often must agree he wants this book how many complements which prepositions forms cases give mary a see her she hierarchical modies weneed more intelligent leaders are etc syntaxis not about meaning sentences can haveno sense still grammatically correct colorless green ideas sleep furiously nonsense but incorrect from greek syn together taxis arrangement cf symphony synonym synthesis taxonomy tactics parts in language behave dierently each other entirely dierent categorized into lexical categories their morphological syntactic semantic properties note there certain amount arbitrariness any...

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