File: Japanese Pdf 102062 | Final Item Download 2022-09-22 20-11-14
towards a universal analysis of tamil um npis evidence from unconditionals jyoti iyer umass amherst 6 september 2017 jiyer linguist umass edu abstract tamil forms npis with a combination of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Towards a universal analysis of tamil um npis evidence from unconditionals jyoti iyer umass amherst september jiyer linguist edu abstract forms with combination wh indeterminates and suffix which variously signals additivity conjunction like japanese mo as well maximality specific to this particle in dravidian i argue that has fundamentally function evidenced by its appearance constructions known rawlins it is brings about the correct meaning sentences containing negation paper explores new angle view some languages are not existential quantifiers but rather universals sort even though shimoyama s argument cannot apply due an independent confound lahiri surface similar hindi urdu fails capture distribution resulting suggesting adoption approach unavoidable keywords indeterminate npi hamblin introduction agglutinating language productively phrases or kuroda certain particles have several other functions interest here whose signal numerals polarity sensitivity scope diverse set above wil...