File: Language Pdf 102004 | Ca4820b14d1c6adffdfbb015294dd7f81d7d
computational model of grammar for english to sinhala machine translation by budditha hettige department of statistics and computer science university of sri jayewardenepura sri lanka asoka s karunanada faculty of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Computational model of grammar for english to sinhala machine translation by budditha hettige department statistics and computer science university sri jayewardenepura lanka asoka s karunanada faculty information technology moratuwa oovveerrvviieeww introduction language design implementation evaluation conclusion further works iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn software that translates text or speech from one natural another gives a potential solution barrier many countries use as their india japan etc eexxiissttiinngg aapppprrooaacchheess human assisted rule based statistical example knowledge hybrid agent...