analysis of sinhala using natural language processing techniques sajika gallege department of computer sciences university of wisconsin madison 1210 w dayton street madison wi 53706 sgallege cs wisc edu abstract ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Analysis of sinhala using natural language processing techniques sajika gallege department computer sciences university wisconsin madison w dayton street wi sgallege cs wisc edu abstract the unicode range for is u d dff native island nation sri code page can be found at www org lanka it belongs to indo aryan branch charts pdf ud given below european languages has a written alphabet which mapping consists basic characters in my project i have applied some nlp dx dax dbx dcx ddx dex dfx analyze gain better understanding perspective and as step towards developing more complex tools machine translation spelling grammar correction speech recognition first was collect sufficient text corpus pre process apply algorithms experiments performed include maximum likelihood estimates mle on identification naive bayes classifier zipf s law behavior topic classification support vector machines svm models all collected produced satisfactory results this an encouraging start further research b introduc...