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picture1_Language Pdf 101986 | 15zhukov

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File: Language Pdf 101986 | 15zhukov
old swahili arabic script and the development of swahili literary language andrey zhukov swahili culture and language occupies a specific place in the literary culture of african peoples besides the ...

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...Old swahili arabic script and the development of literary language andrey zhukov culture occupies a specific place in african peoples besides rich oral tradition folklore literature were an integral part parcel at present there is modern multi genre fiction kiswahili thus has served for understanding cultural wealth waswahili through its centuries history widely known starting with e steere s collection tales published written heritage been less studied although are vast funds manuscripts library dar es salaam university most prominent centres studies europe side by islam characters holy qur n came to east coast from eighth century adapted them their brought into being or alphabet kiarabu based on letters seems have used as far back eleventh earliest specimens found coins tombstones makaburi according w hichens early times writing was done papyrus made split leaves palms later syrian indian european paper sudanic africa use needs society until beginning twentieth it drawing up trade do...

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