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picture1_Bilingualism Pdf 101969 | Hakuta

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Bilingualism Pdf 101969 | Hakuta

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...Bilingualism and bilingual education a research perspective ncbe focus occasional papers in number spring kenji hakuta defined the study of has not been exempted from scholarly tendency to create dichotomies popular ones include coordinate vs compound weinreich early late lambert simultaneous successive mclaughlin additive subtractive elite folk skutnabb kangas while such distinctions have served purpose drawing attention certain aspects perhaps most important lesson be learned these is that some them refer characteristics individuals first three mentioned others social groups latter two linguists psychologists paid primary individual mental cognitive properties bilinguals sociologists attempted primarily characterize terms configuration languages with respect robustness prestige other sociological institutional features no single definition broad enough cover all instances who are called range can native like control or more possessing minimal communicative skills second foreign langu...

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