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picture1_Research Pdf 9044 | 2005 Fighting Forest Crime And Promoting Prudent Banking For Sustainable Forest Management | Kehutanan

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File: Research Pdf 9044 | 2005 Fighting Forest Crime And Promoting Prudent Banking For Sustainable Forest Management | Kehutanan
center for international forestry researchcenter for international forestry research cifor occasional paper publishes the results of research that is particularly significant to tropical forestry the content of each paper is ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 29 Jun 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Center for international forestry researchcenter research cifor occasional paper publishes the results of that is particularly significant to tropical content each peer reviewed internally and externally published simultaneously on web in downloadable format www cgiar org publications papers contact at request a copy no fighting forest crime promoting prudent banking sustainable management leading anti money laundering approach organization established response global concerns about social environmental economic consequences loss degradation dedicated developing policies technologies use forests enhancing well being people countries who rely their livelihoods one future harvest centres consultative group agricultural with headquarters bogor indonesia has regional offices brazil burkina faso cameroon zimbabwe it works over other around world bambang setiono yunus husein donors series receives its major funding from governments development organizations private within les approches parti...

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