international journal on recent and innovation trends in computing and communication issn 2321 8169 volume 2 issue 6 1730 1733 machine translation using open nlp and rules based system english ...
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...International journal on recent and innovation trends in computing communication issn volume issue machine translation using open nlp rules based system english to marathi translator mr s b chaudhari jjtu research scholar jhunjhunu rajasthan sbchaudhari yahoo com abstract this paper presents a proposed for of interrogative assertive sentences their counterpart the takes simple all as an input performs its lexical analysis parser every token produced by is searched lexicon if found then morphological information preserved here we broadly use rule main areas which focusing natural language processing where done from one another preserving meaning sentence big amount being however remains highly centralized particular source due large variations syntactical building languages index terms pos tagging i introduction ii actual implementation heart it necessary important dividing separating have vocabulary dictionary because with help obstacles facilitating bi lingual organizing corresponding...