File: Korean Pdf 101416 | 2 5 Item Download 2022-09-22 14-04-12
the early acquisition of korean morphology a case study the early acquisition of korean morphology a case study sue young kim the training program for speech pathologists yonsei university college ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The early acquisition of korean morphology a case study sue young kim training program for speech pathologists yonsei university college medicine journal communication disorders verb and noun in was investigated longitudinally one child from age to findings revealed production wide range grammatical morphemes including first suffixes agglutinating stress characteristics seemed contribute this development however because had not yet acquired number by conclusion it is possible that does proceed as rapidly other languages factors might account differences rate are discussed i introduction recent years investigators have paid increasing attention addition practical value such data e g serving normative infor mation assessment children at risk evidence on can play useful role theories language general example investigations comparing japanese speaking enabled researchers separate patterns attributable typological char acteristics those due idiosyncratic clancy lee zoh also more recently li...