title dr first rajendra last mehta photograph name name designation assistant professor gujarati address department of modern indian languages and literary studies tutorial building university of delhi delhi 110007 phone ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Title dr first rajendra last mehta photograph name designation assistant professor gujarati address department of modern indian languages and literary studies tutorial building university delhi phone no office mobile email darvesh yahoo com poorvayan gmail educational qualifications degree institution year ph d drama bhavnagar gujarat pg ma language literature ug ba career profile till date lecturer teaching research experience years areas interest specialization theatre comparative translation translations into postmodernism post colonialism theories in subjects taught courses m a theory influence modernism phil gandhi introduction to an guidance student publications books authored shudhi patra collection critical essays ahmedabad rannade prakashan bhurj vachyopasana sootrabadhha parshv nandivak brahmlipi brahmpalash brahmvakya natyarag apvarya dalit hindi play two acts by nag bodas gandhinagar sahitya akademi manasmanch conference organization presentations the three seminar lectures...