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picture1_Basic Grammar Pdf 101395 | D3 Very Basic Grammar Of Italian

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File: Basic Grammar Pdf 101395 | D3 Very Basic Grammar Of Italian
d t eep hought hybrid deep and shallow methods for knowldege intensive information extraction deliverable 3 3 very basic grammar of italian the deepthought consortium august 2003 deepthought ist 2000 ...

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...D t eep hought hybrid deep and shallow methods for knowldege intensive information extraction deliverable very basic grammar of italian the deepthought consortium august ist page i revision project ref no title status public contractual date delivery m actual number type lingware version final pages wp contributing to wpa task responsible ntnu other contributors celi author s dario gonella giampaolo mazzini ec officer yves paternoster keywords hpsg matrix agreement restructuration raising control argument structure passivation cliticization clitic climbing absolute phrases perception verbs abstract dissemination description published based on index introduction sppp png determiners nouns subjects objects adjectives modified selection criteria auxiliaire cat predicative structures still missing pform verb arguments compl ementizer optionality free order subj inversion or ellipsis np pp ap restructuring clausal complements clitics preliminary overview proclitics vs enclitics combining co...

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