city university of hong kong course syllabus offered by department of asian and international studies with effect from semester a 2017 18 part i course overview course title korean ii ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...City university of hong kong course syllabus offered by department asian and international studies with effect from semester a part i overview title korean ii code ais duration credit units level b arts humanities proposed area study societies social business organisations for ge courses only science technology medium instruction english assessment prerequisites ctl precursors nil equivalent exclusive details abstract word description about the this is an extension skills knowledge learned it focuses on continuous development basic communication reading writing listening speaking in focus will be acquiring various grammar patterns essential vocabulary required daily life upon completion students can achieve ability such as introducing oneself shopping food ordering etc intended learning outcomes cilos state what student expected to able do at end according given standard performance no weighting discovery enriched if curriculum related applicable please tick where appropriate develop e...