File: Language Pdf 101292 | Heritagevoicecollectionhindi
heritage voices language hindi about the hindi language modern standard hindi is an official language of india along with english both hindi and english function as lingua franca in most ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Heritage voices language hindi about the modern standard is an official of india along with english both and function as lingua franca in most parts country based on khari dialect which spoken around delhi among major national languages listed constitution widely according to census approximately percent people speak or its regional varieties their first second indo aryan that belongs iranian branch european family it distantly related other such german french italian has descended from sanskrit a sister indic like gujarati punjabi marathi bengali borrowed heavily different over several centuries incorporated words persian arabic turkish portuguese th during after british raj extensively fact influence actually greater left than was rule due prestige higher education global economy today code mixing switching given rise mixed variety sometimes known hinglish quite frequent informal style not uncommon see urban speakers starting sentence finishing vice versa there are number some sizeab...