wotu grammar notes by david mead 2013 sulang language data and working papers grammar descriptions no 1 sulawesi language alliance http sulang org sulanggramm001 v1 languages subject language wotu language ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Wotu grammar notes by david mead sulang language data and working papers descriptions no sulawesi alliance http org sulanggramm v languages subject of materials english abstract this paper is a basic sketch the phonology endangered south indonesia it based on three previously published one in dutch two indonesian texts an unpublished sentence list draft lexicon table contents introduction orthography demonstratives pronoun sets focus constructions relativization applicatives tense aspect mood interrogation negation imperatives prepositions conjunctions comparative superlative other degrees numerals references version history distributed under terms creative commons attribution unported license austronesian western malayo polynesian spoken province at head gulf bone villages lampe nai bawalipu masruddin wahibah name said to come from local word meaning family or clan salombe et al former times was principality subordinate bugis kingdom luwu which had its capital malangke later palopo bu...