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picture1_Language Pdf 101166 | Linguistics Lecture One

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File: Language Pdf 101166 | Linguistics Lecture One
level second year course linguistics teacher dr tobbi lecture one traditional grammar and modern linguistics 1 traditional grammar traditional grammar refers to the collection of prescriptive rules and concepts about ...

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...Level second year course linguistics teacher dr tobbi lecture one traditional grammar and modern refers to the collection of prescriptive rules concepts about structure language origins can be traced back toth century b c aristotle plato greek however most prominent grammarians began writing in th when english developed as a separate it is important note that principles latin are main basis furthermore includes users should follow proscriptive usage avoid books generally contain lists grammatical terms definitions these advice on using standard which correct punctuation spelling diction even though linguists consider an irrational method study we still find basic based textbooks guides or scientific its this features such syntax phonetics moreover regards system only considered systematic description certain either oral written major levels linguistic importantly descriptive i e does not prescribe how use instead describes natural functions considers form also change process doesn t de...

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