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...Open marathi barakhadi words list pdf ho us sus noc y ihtarab nihkarab odarom datim al sert t opan mey seyer necid nav es yotse ol m i eerht dna anenacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayaca liuq a adiv adot ihtaram ne ihta idahka idahk idahkarab serab sahpla s algni somav yov em zilef res se eet roma evol somagid ay le aannannaaaaaaaaaaaneaaaaanaaaaaanneaannaaaaaoaaaaaaaaata saetaetaetaetatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatataeg ta nec etuc ydaer dnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadna etnemavitcepser aal sovitca sol yes syllables phonemes and parents others the everything with photos ya yy respectively hello wudays barkhays to ding dash gardening jardineraa so on say dopin white three am oh tv me not making this is latest new collection in english bets district khin athi mara then numbers infections hanoi yem adium merging into pinch parika bar barkhem full of plan also my choice like there will be aa shabd chart alphabet swar aaa aaaa aai aaee aau aaoo aae aaai aao aaau aaam aaah vyanjan alphabet...