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linguistic research 37 special edition 163 188 doi 10 17250 khisli 37 202009 007 correlation between the original word knowledge and the strategy of connecting with the original words in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Linguistic research special edition doi khisli correlation between the original word knowledge and strategy of connecting with words in acquisition loanword korean by chinese speakers eun ji choi wonkwang digital university current study aimed to examine loanwords students at an intermediate advanced level proficiency language a total participants were selected for underwent testing english from vocabularies paired their origins assess recognition ability associate corresponding data used determine these variables analyses revealed strong significant across however no was observed connect terms tested found connection short not positively correlated abilities recognize them helpful when learning that is cognate hence underscores need teaching strategies allow who learn as second utilize means identifying derived uncovering meaning well keywords this paper supported i would like thank anonymous reviewers journal constructive feedback suggestions introduction aims learners refer vocabula...