File: Chinese Books Pdf 100694 | Menegon Review Of Chan Arsi
albert chan chinese books and documents in the jesuit archives in rome a descriptive catalogue japonica sinica i iv armonk n y m e sharpe 2002 xliii 626 pp bibliographical ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Albert chan chinese books and documents in the jesuit archives rome a descriptive catalogue japonica sinica i iv armonk n y m e sharpe xliii pp bibliographical references abbreviations illustrations indices cloth isbn reviewed by eugenio menegon department of oriental slavonic studies katholiekeuniversiteit leuven belgium published h asia february agate to china materials roman orientalists nevertheless most active academic centers european proto sinology were between late sixteenth century elsewhere paris leiden berlin st eighteenth catholic missionaries petersburg especially jesuits only foreign one reasons for scholarly observers allowed empire besides marginality was engaging their religious work theyalso acted as narrowfocus ecclesiastical collections rst western interpreters large portion found there theypublished latin number wasgathered context famous or languages on history geographyand rather notorious rites controversy culture based hand experience starting s became main sit...