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awej for translation literary studies volume 5 number3 august 2021 pp 82 100 doi http dx doi org 10 24093 awejtls vol5no3 7 translating animal idioms from english into arabic ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Awej for translation literary studies volume number august pp doi http dx org awejtls volno translating animal idioms from english into arabic an application of nida s strategies filwah dawood al qahtani department language and literature college languages imam mohammad ibn saud islamic university imsiu riyadh kingdom saudi arabia osama abdulrhman corresponding author uni hotmail com received accepted published abstract many related are found in however since there some differences between arab western cultures history tradition geographical environment mode thinking can create a cultural gap which hinders mutual understanding both the is noticed when therefore this research investigates problems encountering translators it also presents that be applied rendition source target study discusses based on eugene to conduct researcher developed empirical survey adopting mixed approach qualitative quantitative methods gain detailed translational followed by transference findings indicate mos...