advances in social science education and humanities research volume 509 4th international conference on language literature culture and education icollite 2020 contrastive analysis of final particle ne and yo in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume th international conference on language literature culture icollite contrastive analysis of final particle ne yo japanese with ya loh indonesian tanty triana nuria haristiani fakultas pendidikan bahasa dan sastra universitas indonesia bandung corresponding author email nuriaharist upi edu abstract this aimed to compare contrast the use particles it was motivated by learners who often have difficulty understanding or distinguishing between functions meanings also attempted discover similarities differences s so that no translation errors occur which may result changes context nuance a sentence used descriptive qualitative method data were form from episodes drama employing theory masuoka results reveal out can be interpreted as most indicate what opponent needs know translated whereas shows debater critic is mostly kok then main function confirm show awareness ask approval yet has for kan keywords introduction help dete...