advanced computational intelligence an international journal acii vol 2 no 4 october 2015 1 2 amruta godase and sharvari govilkar 1department of information technology ai robotics piit mumbai university india ...
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...Advanced computational intelligence an international journal acii vol no october amruta godase and sharvari govilkar department of information technology ai robotics piit mumbai university india computer engineering abstract this paper presents a design for rule based machine translation system english to marathi language pair the will take input script as sentence parse with help stanford parser be used main purposes on source side processing in bilingual dictionary is going created parsed output separate text word by searches their corresponding target words hand coded rules are written inflections also reordering there after applying syntactically reordered suit keywords syntax analysis multilingual named entity recognition sense disambiguation morphological synthesizer transliteration introduction novel approach translator aided mt central areas focus natural important breaking barrier among country facilitating inter lingual communication if we succeed then can say that exact done...