File: Language Pdf 100473 | 8 2018 12 03!02 20 10 Pm
mustansiriyah university college of arts department of english language and literature rd 3 year linguistics textbook linguistics aichison 2010 lecture title historical development of language study and linguistics the aim ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Mustansiriyah university college of arts department english language and literature rd year linguistics textbook aichison lecture title historical development study the aim this is to traces main directions has taken in past two centuries there are four eras going tackle these th century early mid descriptive structural late generative universal grammar st future trends it important keep mind that although a relatively new discipline but been interest scholars from different background for more than millennia nineteenth linguists were particularly interested studying how languages related each other their was write comparative grammars various members indo european family order reconstruct hypothetical ancestor started when sir william jones delivered about striking similarities between sanskrit many emphasis on change eventually led major theoretical advances diachronic instance group centered around leipzig nicknamed young grammarians claimed regular they argued if any word given dia...