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picture1_Language Pdf 100462 | 05 Morphology

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File: Language Pdf 100462 | 05 Morphology
intro to linguistics morphology jirka hana october 31 2011 overview of topics 1 basic terminology 2 classication of morphemes 3 structure of words 4 morphological processes 5 word formation 6 ...

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...Intro to linguistics morphology jirka hana october overview of topics basic terminology classication morphemes structure words morphological processes word formation language typology processing study internal morpheme the smallest linguistic unit which has a meaning or grammatical func tion are composed one more there some complications with this simple denition sing er s home work moon light un kind ly talk ten th ipp ed de nation al iz ation order matters re write morph thetermmorphemeisusedbothtorefertoanabstractentityanditsconcrete realization in speech writing when it is needed maintain signied and signier distinction term used refer concrete entity while reserved for abstract only allomorphs having same function but dierent form unlike synonyms they usually cannot be replaced by other indenite article an orange building b plural cat dog judg es matk mother matek mothers matc e nom gen dat bound free appear as itself quick walk te del dopl y zen women vy j t out can often combine...

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