1 content unit i 2 18 communication and language introduction to linguistics major linguists and their contribution unit ii 19 27 phonology of english and phonetics mechanism of speech production ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Content unit i communication and language introduction to linguistics major linguists their contribution ii phonology of english phonetics mechanism speech production organs the respiratory system phonatory articulatory air stream iii continued description classification vowels consonants vowel sounds pure in dipthongs or glides occurrence consonant iv stress intonation word accent v sociolinuistics definitions sociolinguistics variation varieties dialects sociolect idiolect register contact pidgin creole lwstks refers scientific study its structure including grammar syntax specific branches include dialectology psycholinguistics computational comparative structural what is defined as it systematic elements principles governing combination organization provides for a rigorous experimentation with aspects that are actually use by community based on observation data collected thereby from users analysis made investigator at end he comes out satisfactory explanation relating his field thi...