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File: Language Pdf 100306 | 2b02b9e495be4a4e5eacfedee0fc411132be
the importance of linguistics for teachers in english language teaching sholihatul hamidah daulay universitas islam negeri sumatera utara sholihatulhamidah uinsu ac id muhammad dalimunte universitas islam negeri sumatera utara muhammaddalimunte ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...The importance of linguistics for teachers in english language teaching sholihatul hamidah daulay universitas islam negeri sumatera utara sholihatulhamidah uinsu ac id muhammad dalimunte muhammaddalimunte diah widya ningrum diahwidyaningrum abstract this writing aims to determine function it will discuss how important is uses literature review method or called library research collecting data descriptive and comparison from finding can be concluded that pays attention its are closely related each other because goes hand with growth possible a teacher practice skills if he does not master itself train spelling morphology syntax semantics lexicology addition as only has but also explain rules correctly keywords franca academic journal education vol no iain curup p issn e doi ef vi introduction scientific study there several materials studied scope general search knowledge humans unconsciously have about an understanding structure various languages differ one another dictionaries defined ...

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