introduction to linguistics spring 2017 location c509 time m7m8m9 instructor shu fen chen office a501 telephone 03 5742723 office hours mon wed 1 30 3 30 p m or by ...
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...Introduction to linguistics spring location c time mmm instructor shu fen chen office a telephone hours mon wed p m or by appointment e mail chensf mx nthu edu tw course description human beings have always been curious about the uniquely possession language its structure diversity use and effects on others this explores capacity for we begin with discussion of uniqueness then review major properties including morphology syntax semantics phonetics phonology will also practice linguistic analysis through homework in class exercises exams texts required th ohio state university files edition taipei bookman books ltd references steven pinker fromkin victoria robert rodman nina hyams an boston ma wadsworth cengage learning crystal david dictionary malden blackwell international phonetic association handbook guide alphabet cambridge new york press teaching assistants policies punctuality is important all students are expected arrive stay entire period if you miss part information do make su...