the importance of the scientific research of the languages for special purposes jagotka strezovska university kliment ohridski bitola jagodastrezovska yahoo de biljana ivanovska university goce delcev stip biljana ivanovska ugd ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The importance of scientific research languages for special purposes jagotka strezovska university kliment ohridski bitola jagodastrezovska yahoo de biljana ivanovska goce delcev stip ugd edu mk viktorija krstovska hotmail com abstract science language linguistic is not only dedicated to researches but also explaining relation between and society this requires particularly sociology politology psychology economy history discover what happening with linguistics can give a small contribution in system on other side communication as seen from pragmatic technical aspect has need rational functional paper we want describe specialized discipline that gives above all an overview contemporary development it portrays lexis contributes expansion enrichment both stock every general have essential significance occupation modern sciences disciplines interests will be focused because one changeable given once there consistent continuous order monitor change keywords applied lsp terminology introduct...