File: Language Pdf 100116 | Bab 2 Item Download 2022-09-21 23-57-03
chapter ii review of related literature a the theories in this chapter the researcher explains the theories are used by the researcher in this research the theories are as knife ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter ii review of related literature a the theories in this researcher explains are used by research as knife to cut open diglossia phenomena happen sumenep regency using some will be easy discuss after data collection have been done besides making dicussed it find out reason usage here become actor sociolinguistics bilingualism and social identity theory uses primary basic one because is general subject which study about language relates society secondary does not decrease function both knives very important know development environment has benefit without part linguistics but more focused relationship between object digilib uinsby ac id meaning existence ronald said that concerned with investigating goal being better understanding structure how languages communication people need interact others could do something moreover if other nation they can brown sir ali bin abi thalib for human life until becomes humans importance so tool makes easier communicate most all attributes than j...