File: Arabic Alphabet Pdf 100081 | Modern Greek Alphabet And Phonetics
modern greek alphabet and phonetics in blue letters you will rarely see in karamanlca in orange letters that make a significantly different sound in karamanlca than in greek some of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Modern greek alphabet and phonetics in blue letters you will rarely see karamanlca orange that make a significantly different sound than some of these rules change but it is best to learn first then the ways slightly altered practice learning before more complicated things at bottom alfa aaaah vita v not b ghamma gh like arabic y front soft vowels g dhelta dh th this d epsilon eh zita z eeta ee feet thita unvoiced think yiota kappa k lamdha l mi m ni n ksi x ks omikron o pi p ro r don t get confused looks english sighma s has two forms lowercase initial medial position end word taf eepsilon fi f khi kh softer psi ps omegha double now bit there are several additional sounds can be spelled by combining or consonants af ef av ev everywhere else u turkish e same as break up putting dots on top second vowel ex pronounced ay important for spelling symbol remnant byzantine script which were joined together complex cursive system involving various ligatures one ligature survived represents com...