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picture1_Hindi Learning Pdf 99973 | Synopsis

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File: Hindi Learning Pdf 99973 | Synopsis
transliteration between english and other indian languages a machine learning based approach a synopsis of the proposed thesis to be submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy in computer ...

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...Transliteration between english and other indian languages a machine learning based approach synopsis of the proposed thesis to be submitted for degree doctor philosophy in computer science by radha mogla under supervision dr c vasantha lakshmi prof niladri chatterjee supervisor co associate professor dept mathematics physics iit delhi faculty dei forwarded g s tyagi ravindra kumar head dean sc department dayalbagh educational institute deemed university agra up april contents introduction problems approaches important features hindi telugu literature survey work references today time global interactions are increasing day communications different nationals done as well no person knows all scripts although is language not everyone understands it every document available overcome this barrier translation one very tool process converting text written another without changing its meaning known thus word roman script school when translated devnagari becomes read vidyalaya same pathshala sy...

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