chapter ii figurative language 2 1 definition of figurative language figurative language is a form of rhetoric namely the use of words in speech and writing to convince or influence ...
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...Chapter ii figurative language definition of is a form rhetoric namely the use words in speech and writing to convince or influence listeners readers word comes from greek rhetorical rhetor which means orator ancient times indeed an important part education by variety figure because it very must be controlled completely roman who gave name various arts persuasion beautiful that used elevate enhance effect way introducing comparing object particular thing with objects other things are more common short certain may change cause value flavor connotations revealed associated not just we give but all what want say has its own purpose itself there many kinds this paper notion style context people for appropriate according time target receiver can attract attention recipient conversely if then will futile even interfere reader example young adult novels today styles period before independence message up would frowned upon also turn stated text express idea meaningful briefly either expected a...