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picture1_Language Pdf 99960 | 509 513 Nidya Pratiwi Et Al

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File: Language Pdf 99960 | 509 513 Nidya Pratiwi Et Al
proceedings review of figurative language based on novel lady chatterley s lover by d h lawrence nidya pratiwi m r nababan and djatmika sebelas maret university surakarta indonesia nidya25 np ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Proceedings review of figurative language based on novel lady chatterley s lover by d h lawrence nidya pratiwi m r nababan and djatmika sebelas maret university surakarta indonesia np gmail com abstract this study was conducted to examine the types languages describe situation nature a person beauty sentences situations that appear in aims identify explain know markers is small part thesis translation studies research descriptive qualitative data sources are document form information from selected respondents linguistic covering contained related novels further researcher found addition there also for use result simile most type keywords introduction literary works two people might they old modern literature poetry traditional tale etc whereas contains drama folklore four special appeal world one forms popular among other it collection prose assembled into stories usually telling events fiction have easily understood with level readers recounted has accordance levels stanton work longe...

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